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PxList Data Transmission Management

PxList automatically converts the forms or data and machine posts. It is a data transmission
management program that automatically edits and manages data such as process, tool length,
tool number, and tool radius.

System Procedure

Coordinate System Selection

Operation Order Loading


Data transmission and backup, PxListSheet Application

PxList has special functions such as product coordinate shifts, graphic simulations, and internal memory access. It can be used to transmit and backup data for complexers like CNC lathe and turn mill. Apply PxListSheet on PxList allows an easier operation record management through a direct accumulation of every data transmission record.

Tool Recognition

Diameter, radius, tool tength
Sorting of rough grinding, semifinishing, finishing

Product Coordinate
Automatic Number registration

Automatic ATC number setting

RPM, Feedrat

(Plunge, Automatic processing shift)

Automatic NC data post editing

Multi product processing operation record printing